Monday, March 22, 2010

My First Horse. (Timeline: 1965/1966)

When I was a kid, I always dreamed of owning my own horse, but the finances simply weren't there. My dad had split when I was small, so my mom had to work, often 2 jobs, to keep us kids fed and clothed and to pay the bills. I was never LACKING, but money was tight. When I came here to California at 18, the first few months most of my wages went to pay back the travel, but as soon as I had a free and clear paycheck, I bought my own horse. He was an old bay grade gelding named Baldy. I renamed him to "Bahldin", so he'd have a 'real' name and still be able to recognize his name. I was very proud of him; to me, he was the greatest, the fastest, and the most beautiful horse in the world.

When I bought him, I was told that Bahldin was 9 years old, but even then I knew better. When I later had a vet look him over, I was told that he was past 20! Older than I was at the time! He wasn't in a bad shape for his age, though he was pretty difficult to keep in good condition, as the pic with the ponies shows.

The first month I boarded Bahldin at the stable where I bought him, but then I moved him down the street to another stable, where he'd have his own stall rather than living in the big corral with the rent string. Having the horse got the family I was living with and working for interested in horses; especially the kids.

They had a bit of land above the house; so they bought the kids a Shetland pony named Tinker Belle. I built the fences needed to keep her in, and I was able to move Bahldin up there too. Soon after that, Tinker Belle had a foal; a pretty little palomino filly we named Daisy May.

I didn't keep Bahldin very long; his old legs couldn't quite keep up with the riding I did; up and down the hills behind the place where we lived, for hours at a time. Eventually I had to find him a new home, so he ended up at a place where handicapped kids would ride him and love him.

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